Now that it is legal to grow hemp in the United States, the long banned crop is about to radically change the game for North American farmers. For the last four years, we at Wild West Weed and Seed have been breeding and cultivating premium outdoor hybrid hemp seeds on our farm in Colorado to help farmers cash in on the revolution. Here are some of the top reasons why hemp is set to become the corn of the 21st century, and why hemp is an infinitely superior crop to corn.
The difference in profitability of corn vs. hemp alone is more than enough reason to make the switch. On average, it costs around $400 to plant an acre of corn with a return of $600, meaning farmers only profit about $200 per acre. Hemp, meanwhile, costs about $15,000 an acre to plant (factoring in cost of seeds, labor, equipment, etc.) and returns an average of $280,000 per acre! That’s $265,000 profit! Per acre! While you will make a higher initial investment growing hemp, you will be paid back in numbers that are simply unfathomable to farmers accustomed to growing corn. There is high demand for nearly all components of the plant including its fibers, seeds, and oils. The global market for hemp already consists of over 25,000 products and the burgeoning market for medicinal CBD oil is set to become one of the fastest growing industries of all time. For the best price on seeds, check out Wild West Weed and Seed’s Viable Plant Seeds.
Hemp is the largest biomass producer on the planet. It is also an exceptionally fast growing crop. It produces more fiber per hectare than any other source, and at least twice as much as cotton. Whereas corn yields about 4 tons of dry biomass per acre, hemp has been known to yield up to 6 or 7 tons. The bushel weight of hemp is 44lbs with about 27,0000 seeds per pound. Generally speaking, industrial hemp yields anywhere from 5 to 45 bushels per acre. Our 3W1 seeds produce 1 kilo of crude hemp oil for every 13-20 lbs of flower. And depending on cultivation style, our premium hybrid seeds can be grown to produce oil that is up to 20% CBD, with an average of 12% and 8% if fully pollinated.
While there are certainly ideal conditions and best practices for getting the most out of your crop, hemp is a fairly low maintenance plant. It can be grown anywhere in the US and demands relatively few resources in order to thrive. It is tolerant to weather phenomena such as hail and drought. An acre of hemp requires half the water needed to grow an acre of corn. The dense growth pattern of hemp discourages unwanted weed growth and the hemp plants have few natural enemies. All of this means less need for fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides; less irrigation; less soil damage; and greater ability for farmers to maximize the productivity of their land.
Not only will hemp contribute to the overall health of your land, hemp products are great for the environment as a whole. Hemp can be grown organically with relative ease, meaning it creates less agricultural pollution. It is also a key component in many sustainable products including biofuels, compostable plastics, building materials, and body care products. It is a great alternative source of protein for vegetarian and vegan diets. It makes excellent fibers for clothing, industrial fabrics, and high quality paper products. Hemp is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to an untold number of harmful materials found in a countless variety of products.
While corn has gained a reputation for propelling the obesity epidemic and the rise of associated diseases such as diabetes and heart disease into the stratosphere, CBD oil derived from hemp is well on its way to revolutionizing the American healthcare industry for the better. CBD has shown promise as a remedy or relieving agent for everything from anxiety and depression to acne to arthritis to diabetes to menopause to chemotherapy side effects and so much more. Due to its widely regarded anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties, CBD has begun to emerge as a natural, low-risk alternative to prescription opioids, which have caused a rising epidemic of addiction and overdose deaths in this country in recent years.
Any of these five reasons alone would serve as ample justification for farmers to make the switch to hemp. Taken all together, it is a no brainer. Get in touch with Wild West Weed and Seed and start growing the crop of the future today!