Terms & Conditions

The buyer or user of products acknowledges that they are 21 years of age or older and are voluntarily using a product that may have undetermined health risks and hazards and unforeseen dangers may apply. The Buyer is responsible to know legal laws that may or may not apply to your State or Country. Compensation, or insurance benefits will not be available for any reason including discomfort or injury connected with proper or improper usage of products.

Payment will appear on your credit card under 3WS standing as the branding company promoting


Returns: wildwestweedandseed3ws@gmail.com

Your personal information is kept private and will never be sold. All packages will be shipped discreetly.

All Content of this sight including logos, photographs, drawings, videos, text and page layout are the property of the creators under Copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, US. Code) and are not to be reproduced or copied without written permission by founding members.

Caution, keep all products out of the reach of children. If you are being treated for a medical condition or are taking pharmaceutical drugs consult your physician before use. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has not approved or endorsed any products sold on this sight. Not intended for use in cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease.

No Postings can be made if they infringe on intellectual property held by others, are vulgar, indecent or advocates illegal activity, contains computer viruses that will harm the function of any computer software or hardware.